Enrolment status letter
Enrolment status letter
Information about the enrolment status letter and how to order it.
Fee payment letter
Fee payment letter
Information about fee payment letters and how to request them.
Council Tax student certificates
Council Tax student certificates
Information about Council Tax and how to get a Council Tax student certificate.
Fee amount and living costs letter
Letter confirming fee amount and living costs
Information about the fee amount and living costs letter and how to request one.
Bank status letter
Bank status letter
Information on how to order a letter of introduction from the University (bank status letter) for your bank.
Jury Service
Jury service
Information about what to do if you have been selected for jury service.
My fee status
My fee status
This page provides guidance on the way in which the University will determine your fee classification.
Schengen visa letter
Schengen visa letter
Information about requesting a Schengen visa letter